How much advertising money can a blog make?

If a website gets 1000 unique visitors per day, how much money, on average, will it make? at average click-through-rate per page view is 1.1% [can go up to 5% if very well done]

at average pay-per-click revenues for the site owner are 50% [can go up to 80% depends on the ads provider] of the price paid by the advertiser. Given that, average revenue per cick is 20c.
at average 1 visitor views 2.5 pages [can go to 30 if well done - see facebook]

now, we make the calculation and here it is:
1000 x 2.5 x 1.1% x 20c = $5.5 per day
The pay-off per click varies widely depending on what each advertiser decides to offer, based on the profitability of their products and their expected conversion rate (percentage of clicks that deliver a sale). Google is not saying what the average pay-off is, but our own experience after one month of running the program shows an average pay-off of $0.63 per click. We have seen clicks paying as little as $0.02 and as much as $3.00.
So, just for the sake of giving an example, lets say that your site receives 1,000 page views per day. If the 1.2% click-through rate and $0.63 pay-off per click that we have observed on our site hold true for your site as well, in a 30-day month you can expect to make:
1,000 x 30 x 1.2% x $0.63 = $226.80
Not enough to get rich, but a nice extra income nevertheless, that you can use to pay for your domain name and hosting costs, and then some.

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