Make cash selling things you actually DONT need

Why ? 

We do own a lot of things we don't use. It could be a really hard to accept at first, but why keep all these extra garbage that we don't use ? You can make a lot of money selling these stuff.

Convinced ? 

Ok if you are convinced to sell stuff, here are my recommendations. Never sell your comicbook collections, stamp collections, silver collections, money collections and things that will go up in value over time. Keep these stuff, you can make a lot of money over time. What I would recommend to sell are old clothes that you don't wear anymore especially items that are designer labels. Electronic equipment, computers, old cds/dvds and furniture. 

Where to sell ? 

1. Ebay - this is most probably the ultimate source !

2. Garage Sale is great especially when you have tons of items to sell...  
Learn about Garage Sale -

3. This site is like ebay allowing you to connect your regional network. 

Have fun and I wish you make lots of money ! 

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